[image: sdc-logo-color.png]

Want to get course credit to change the world?
Interested in working on an interdisciplinary team to solve real-world

The *Senior Design Challenge* is a two-term capstone course (19W + 19S) for
seniors who want to push the boundaries of their studies on an applied
project that will have a real impact in the world outside of Dartmouth.

Want to learn more? Come to the *info session*:

*Tuesday, October 2 *
*Jones Media Center Innovation Studio *

The info session won't last more than 30 minutes, and there will be *free

*RSVP here <https://goo.gl/forms/4m1NbRiW4lzkILDj2> *
by Friday, September 28 (So we know how much pizza to get.)

See you there!
The Senior Design Challenge Team

PS: For more info, check out the SDC website at dartmouth.edu/sdc.