Want to mentor local children? Join SIBS!

SIBS is a one-on-one mentoring program that pairs you with a local child aged 6-13. You get to pick the activity you do together, so it can be anything from going hiking to arts and crafts and the scheduling is extremely flexible.

Child profiles who are looking to get matched this term include:

  *   8 year old girl: loves arts/crafts and sports. Would benefit from someone who can model positive interactions.
  *   10 year old boy: loves animals, the outdoors, and games. Needs a mentor who can expand his world and share new experiences.
  *   6 year old girl: is very sweet. Family immigrated to the US and she could use someone to relate to.
  *   6 year old boy: Loves athletics and is also very kind. Lacks a male role model at home and someone who can help him build confidence.
  *   ....and tons more!

Apply here<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Forgsync.com%2F122258%2Fforms%2F297366&data=02%7C01%7CClara.G.Silvanic.18%40dartmouth.edu%7C6e71a76239b94385f7da08d55c6f618d%7C995b093648d640e5a31ebf689ec9446f%7C0%7C1%7C636516555964760649&sdata=duBDflTMDJ4xSQLVIiAilrctPYVcXapv0J0Xeg2oOCA%3D&reserved=0> to get involved by January 25 and blitz Clara Silvanic with questions.