
9:00 am: t-shirt pickup at collis

12:30 pm: greeting on the green

5:00 pm: prayer vigil for peace

~more info below the poster~


Why we need a Day of Peace:
We are surrounded by brokenness and turmoil throughout our campus, our nation, and our World. We'd like to live a day promoting peace, holistic healing in our community, and solidarity among those who want to live as Peacemakers. We define the Peace as the holistic well-being of a community and all the individuals within it. Holistic well-being necessitates not only a lack of conflicts, but calls for proactive reconciliation of one's broken relationship with others and the self.

What is the Day of Peace:
The Day of Peace will be held on October 30th, 2017. Below are actions you can take to support the Day of Peace.

1. Wear the Day of Peace T-shirt on October 30th.
Whenever we meet a person wearing the same T-shirt, greet and bless one another. Blessing can take a few different forms. You can hug, fist bump, handshake. Show your solidarity to other Peacemakers. And don't forget to verbalize your blessing and support.

We are so used to walking quickly by one another, like a horse with blinders on, as if we have to race to our next destination. We feel obligated to since we live in a culture of busyness. On the Day of Peace, slow down look around, and acknowledge others around you.

2. We will have a short gathering at the Green at 12:30pm before going to lunch.
The gathering at the Green will give you an opportunity to meet other students with different cultural and religious backgrounds, and to greet and bless one another. If you're going to have lunch with somebody, bring them with you on the way to Foco or other dining places.

3. We will have a vigil on the Green at 5 PM.
We will have a simple, but powerful vigil with several short prayers offered to honor the many types of turmoil and suffering our community has faced over the term.

One prayer will be offered for each of the following issues:
• natural disasters including fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, climate change;
• racial justice, including Charlottesville;
• mental health on campus and particularly in the face of finals;
• displaced people with special attention for Syrian refugees, Royhinga, and DACA students;
• violence particularly focused on gun violence.

Students from a variety of traditions will lead the prayers and there will be candles. All are welcome. There’s just been so much pain, we’re hoping to create space for at least a little healing.

How to participate
Click RSVP or visit
Be an ambassador for the Day of Peace. Invite your friends.
Distribute Day of Peace posters across campus.
Meet us and pick up your T-shirts on the morning of October 30th at Collis.
Live a Day of Peace and join the Vigil.