Tired after a ~WILD AND CRAZY~ Halloweekend?

Cheered your lungs out for the Big Green at Harvard? (boo Harvard)

Nervous about the work you've neglected it this entire weekend?

These are good sentiments. We feel the same way. We support you in all your endeavors. And we are here to help.

COME TO NOVACK @6-10PM tonight and grab some MCDONALDS AND DUNKIN DONUTS instead of that old Novack sandwich you've had 6 times. We have nugs, fries, and everything nice.

Yum Yummy GIF - Yum Yummy Patrick GIFs

Meet the SHEBA newbies. Flirt with them. Buy things from them so we can continue to provide #quality entertainment 😊🌟

They will dance for you. Just ask. 💃

And in case you forgot, this is what they look like.