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Networking in the Social Sector
Big Green for 100% - Leadership for a Clean Energy Future
You are invited to join Meghan Hassett, Dartmouth '15 and current Impact organizer, and other accomplished panelists for a discussion on renewable energy in New England. Hanover is the first town in NH to commit to 100% clean can Dartmouth continue this leadership on climate action? Meghan will be on campus from October 24-27th and is also hoping to connect with students interested in social change organizing opportunities.

Breaking the Mold - Career Lunches
Breaking the Mold is a networking event geared towards students with interest in the nonprofit world. You are invited to attend career lunches and speak with alumni guests in small groups. Career lunches are field-specific and will focus on public health, public interest law, consulting and philanthropy, and entrepreneurship.
  • Friday, October 27th from 12:45-2pm
  • Register on the event webpage!

Post-Graduate Funding
Lewin Post-Graduate Fellowship
Apply for up to $20,000 in funding to work in the social sector post-graduation. The Olga Gruss Lewin Post-Graduate Fellowship supports graduates who have proven leadership in the Dartmouth community and who are pursuing significant acts of citizenship and service to others after graduation. Projects, which may be hosted in the U.S. or abroad, must be full-time, 10-12 month projects with a non-profit organization.

Become a Mentor with SIBS
SIBS is looking for students interested in mentoring local children aged 6-13 in a one-on-one setting! Develop meaningful bonds with these children through weekly activities of your choosing. Apply here to be apple-picking or playing basketball with your SIB as soon as possible. Blitz Clara Silvanic with questions.
Local Volunteering Opportunities 
Volunteering in the Upper Valley is a great way to escape the Dartmouth Bubble and do something meaningful. Check out the Service Opportunities on Orgsync to add some service into your schedule.

Home Repairs with COVER
Winter is coming! Help our neighbors make urgent home repairs so that they will be prepared for the winter. Located in White River Junction, COVER is a nonprofit organization that organizes volunteers to do repairs for low-income homeowners, many of whom are elderly and/or disabled. To volunteer on a one-time or recurring basis, sign up through our OrgSync page.