As the leaves fall and the sun’s erstwhile long gaze upon the earth shortens, you may find yourself wandering the campus, pumpkin tinted coffee in hand, inhaling brisk New Hampshire air. You may feel the crunch of leaves underfoot and suddenly stop, thinking: who am I, why are we all here, how am I going to study for all these midterms, and when is the dodec baby show? Fear not, existential crisis-having student, for the baby show is nigh, and with it will come answers to your probing questions in the form of melodious tunes and the tender faces of our newborn dodec babies.

Dodec Baby Show
21's Welcome
Evan “Hodor” Christo
Rory “Richard J. Page” Schadler
Maxine “Meow meow meow meow meow meow” Perroni-Scharf
Caitlin “Doctor” Wanic
A Yellow Broom
Co-sponsored by the GLC
Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing and text