tired of sweaty dance parties in Sarner Underground?

want an open space to leap, kick, and pirouette?

never done a pirouette before but would love to learn?

21s, we want to meet you on the dance floor!

join Fusion, Sheba, Sugarplum, and Ujima  at dance auditions tomorrow!

Sunday, Sept. 17

Alumni Gym

Registration begins at 11:20 AM



Dartmouth 17F Auditions Promo<https://youtu.be/6nb82TJhWJ4>
Love to dance? Never danced before? Hoping to dance in college? Auditions are also this coming Sunday! Come audition for FUSION SHEBA SUGARPLUM and UJIMA! We...

we'll teach you some of our moves and walk you through our own choreography

come dressed in clothes you can move in!