What up people!

Got that first 9L tomorrow morning? Need energy to pull through but can't have breakfast bc sleep?

Not a problem! Crush ice cream tonight, and have the energy you need to ace those classes tomorrow! We promise that's how it works! 


Also, a reminder about the high holidays:


Please RSVP to [log in to unmask] by September 16th for: 
September 20th, 5:30pm Erev Rosh Hashana Dinner
September 29th, 5:00pm Erev Yom Kippur Pre-Fast Dinner
September 30th, 7:15pm Yom Kippur Break Fast 
(Dinners and Break Fast will be held at the Roth Center, the white building behind the Choates)
See the attachment for the complete range of services offered by Hillel for Rosh HashanaYom KippurSukkot, and Simchat Torah:

Also, if you would like to be involved in the High Holiday services, please contact Rabbi Boraz.


Dartmouth College Hillel is our campus chapter of Hillel International: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life.

Our Executive Board:
Jonah Kelly, Julia Feinstein, Charlotte Kuller, Madi Mannes, Michael Bodek

Our Weekly Schedule:
Monday: Office hours with Rabbi Boraz from 5-6pm
                Open meetings at 6 pm, with dinner and conversation*
Wednesday: Jews and Java--free coffee from 3:30-5 pm at the Dartmouth Bookstore
Thursday:  Jew Croo for '21s at 6 pm*
Friday: Torah Study with Rabbi Boraz at 5pm, Shabbat services at 6 pm, followed by dinner at 7 pm*

*Located in the Roth Center for Jewish Life (white building behind the Choates)