Welcome all the 21s to campus! WELCOME HOME!

Are you a woman interested in STEM? (don't have to be a science major) https://goo.gl/forms/mE6CMVSs2cuzQx8n2


Are you pre-health? have a penchant for research? an aspiring engineer? have no idea what you want to do besides some interest in the sciences?<https://goo.gl/forms/mE6CMVSs2cuzQx8n2>


Would you love a guiding hand (and a friend!!) for your journey and first steps on this big big campus? <https://goo.gl/forms/mE6CMVSs2cuzQx8n2>

Then join the Women in STEM Project (WISP) Peer Mentoring Program! By filling out the link below, you'll be matched with an upperclassman woman who has similar interests or major(s) who will help you on your way to being an expert on all that Dartmouth (and outside of Dartmouth) has to offer! Fill it out today!! https://goo.gl/forms/mE6CMVSs2cuzQx8n2

(The deadline for filling out the mentee application will be September 22nd, 11:59pm!) https://goo.gl/forms/mE6CMVSs2cuzQx8n2