Hello Everyone,
Tonight we are having Theology on Tap at 9pm at the Canoe Club (27 S Main Street). Our topic tonight is death!

Tonight, we take on death. And life. And the line that separates them. Or is there a line? Where does life end and death begin? How are our definitions of life and death in relationship with one another? Do you believe in an afterlife? Literally? Metaphorically? 

Have you been following the case of Charlie Gard? The Pope has weighed in. President Trump has weighed in. Where do you weigh in? What do these kinds of cases say about how our culture defines the relationship between life and death, and about who holds authority to define such matters? How do you wrestle with your own mortality or do you avoid that topic entirely? What are the values that shape your notion of life and death, where do they comes from, and have they changed over time and age?

Please join us tonight for a reflective conversation over a round of free drinks and garlic fries at the Canoe Club at 9pm. Everyone is welcome, we hope to see you there!

From: Edgerton Episcopal Center
Sent: Monday, July 3, 2017 5:14:43 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Cc: Guy Collins; Leah F. Torrey; Alyson G. Michael
Subject: Theology on Tap Tonight

Hello Everyone,


Tonight we are having Theology on Tap at 9pm at the Canoe Club (27 S Main Street). Our topic tonight is sex!


Last week we took on marriage, this week we take on sex. What role does our physical body play in love, in relationship, in connection? How is our physical body connected to the soul? How do we define sex? How does the church define sex? Is sex a spiritual experience? What’s up with virginity and birth control, and what role has sexuality played in the church over history?


Please join us tonight for a reflective conversation over a round of free drinks and garlic fries at the Canoe Club at 9pm. Everyone is welcome, we hope to see you there!


