MAV is committed to increasing inclusion and intersectionality in sexual violence prevention work at Dartmouth. To further this goal, throughout the summer, weekly educational emails will be sent to campus covering a topic that might often be overlooked in typical sexual violence prevention forums.

This Week in Sexual Violence Prevention Education:

Centering Transgender Voices and Identities in Prevention Work 

Transgender/Trans: encompassing term of many gender identities of those who do not identify or exclusively identify with their sex assigned at birth. The term transgender is not indicative of gender expression, sexual orientation, hormonal makeup, physical anatomy, or how one is perceived in daily life.

Transgender Identities and Sexual Violence:

-50% of transgender individuals have experienced sexual violence

-22-38% of trans people have been harassed by police, with upwards of 15% experiencing physical abuse and 7% being sexually assaulted by law enforcement.

-Trans people have also experienced violence at the hands of health care professionals: 26% experiencing physical assault, 10% experienced sexual assault.

-Sexual violence is even higher in some subpopulations within the transgender community, including transgender youth, transgender people of color, individuals living with disabilities, homeless individuals, and those who are involved in the sex trade

Source: National Transgender Discrimination Survey (NTDS), which confirms rates reported by smaller samples.

Resources for Transgender Students

Transgender Sexual Violence Survivors: A Self-Help Guide to Healing and Understanding 

This is a substantial document that includes information about the prevalence of sexual violence against transgender/gender non-conforming individuals; describes the typical set of services available to sexual violence survivors in their own communities, including how transgender survivors can advocate for their inclusion and/or respectful treatment within such services; provides recommended reading and resource lists; gives quotations from other transgender sexual violence survivors.

Let’s Talk About It! A Transgender Survivor’s Guide to Accessing Therapy

This document points users toward internet-­based directories of therapists specializing in working with transgender clients and/or sexual violence survivors; offers tips and an interview guide potential clients can use to evaluate a given therapist’s approach and potential fit

A Guide for Partners and Friends of Transgender Sexual Violence Survivors 

This document covers similar content as the Self-Help Guide, supplemented with discussions of how secondary survivors are impacted by a loved one's sexual abuse/assault. 

Movement Against Violence
Dartmouth College