Want to have breakfast with President Hanlon and Gail Gentes?

Join the fight!
The team that raises the most money for Relay for Life by May 13th at midnight wins the breakfast.
All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society for patient support and cancer research.

Register your team here:

And... The team with the most participants by April 14th will win $200 for their team (counts for the prize!)

What is Relay?
Relay for Life is a community event to fundraise for the American Cancer Society for patient support and cancer research. This year, it's May 13th in Leverone. It's an afternoon for the community to come together to celebrateremember, and fight back. We'll have a ton of awesome events, games and food (no running!). Show your support by registering for Relay today!

The breakfast will be on May 17th at 8 am. All Dartmouth students and community members are eligible. Due to space constrictions, the breakfast is limited to 10-15 people.