What is Trip to the Sea?

    Leaving campus on a Sunday morning, we paddle the 200-some mile journey down the length of the Connecticut River from the Ledyard Dock to where it meets the Atlantic Ocean in the Long Island Sound.  It's an annual tradition going back to 1921.  Typically, the trip consists of all seniors, although depending on numbers some underclassmen may be eligible to apply.

When is it?

     The 2017 dates are Sunday May 7th to Sunday May 14th.  This is the Sunday after Pigstick/Woodstock, and you return the week before Green Key.  It should hopefully not conflict with any thesis presentations, but you will need to miss a week of classes.  If you're only able to do part of the trip, you may elect to do half (Sunday-Wednesday or Wednesday-Sunday).

     I realize that this is far in the future, and spring term classes haven't even begun, but we need to get commitments from people early.  You will essentially plan your spring term classes and work around TTTS.

Who is eligible to go?

     Anyone in the 17s class!  This trip is eligible for all seniors on campus.  You don't need to be involved in Ledyard to come on TTTS.  If you are not a '17, you may be eligible if numbers are low, but priority goes to seniors.

Do I need paddling experience?

     No.  However, we will be sleeping outside, paddling for long days, and potentially facing adverse weather conditions.  You don't need to be a canoeist, but you do need to have a good attitude about the outdoors, work well with groups, and react to unanticipated issues in stride.

Where do I apply?