Tuck Sustains & Dartmouth Animal Rights Troupe brings you… A Sustainable Dinner with Gene Baur


Did you have a New Year’s resolution to eat better? Are you an environmentalist who wants to learn more about what Forbes called “the most important action you can take”? Well…


Join us as we host the President of Farm Sanctuary, Gene Baur. Come learn about mindful eating from vegan advocate and the man Time Magazine called the "conscience of the food movement" while enjoying a sustainable dinner cooked by the DART an Tuck Sustains leadership.


Attendance will be capped at 20 people. Sign up via this Google form: https://goo.gl/forms/BIs8R5am2iFhnpuG2


Date: Thursday, February 16

Time: 7:00pm – 8:30 pm

Location: Achtmeyer 116 Ayres Dining Hall

Menu: Vegan sloppy Joes, Thai spring roll salad, chocolate berry trifle


Meet Gene Baur


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Gene Baur is the President and co-founder of Farm Sanctuary, a 30 year-old, $15 million nonprofit. Farm Sanctuary operates three shelters in New York and California on 400 acres of land for animals rescued from abuse and factory farms. Through rescue, education, and advocacy they promote laws and policies that support animal welfare. Gene is the author of two books on mindful eating, and a faculty member at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. 


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