Want to THRIVE at Dartmouth?
Want to learn how to be a better friend, student, athlete and human being?

Join Dartmouth on Purpose for
Beginning TODAY Monday, February 6th.

 Set a goal to make or break any habit in 21 days
and DOP will provide motivational reminders,
wellness workshops
and an encouraging community to help you along the way!

Sign up here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdHKqVlJuUz9USjVRgYOHPVf_xlLPwXO5HYbHX-e5af8G38UQ/viewform?entry.852476727&entry.769919879&entry.591016350>

You don't need to know your goal yet to sign up.
For ideas, see below.


Simplify. Choose to THRIVE. LIVE ON PURPOSE.