Imagine this: You're running at your top speed.


No, not prancing. We're talking cheetah fast.


The wind whips through your hair and the cheers of the crowd fill your ears. You see the disc in front of you and realize that even at this speed, you won't quite make it. So you don't even think. You just leap up off of your two feet a snag it in the end zone.


You and your team have just won the game.

Now compare that to the feeling you have right now of sitting down and checking your e-mail. Your butt's tired from too much sitting and studying and not enough activity. Which one sounds better?

Obviously the one where you're playing

Ultimate Frisbee!!

So c'mon. Get out there and carpe the friggin diem! We have practices on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, with rides leaving from Dartmouth Hall at 3:30. We hope to see you out there on Friday, September 16 and at subsequent practices!

Some facts about Dartmouth Ultimate:

  *   We have Women's and Men's A and B teams (so you get to define your level of commitment and competitiveness).
  *   We are happy to teach you all of the skills of a great Ultimate player
  *   We have objectively and verifiably more hilarious inside jokes than any other club at Dartmouth.
  *   We have an amazing sense of community between all four team and the most fun social events and activities.
  *   If you're not entirely sold by now, remember that people in our sport do this:


Also relevant: