Hi all!


Please take a measly 3 minutes out of your day to watch this important video and help one of our stellar members (Laura Hutchinson ’19) get to Marrakesh, Morocco in November to cover the COP22 UN Climate Negotiations as a youth member of the press.


Here is her film:





Laura created this short promotional film about Divest Dartmouth last spring, in part to advertise and educate campus ahead of our big, record-breaking rally. She since submitted it to a global youth video competition, as was selected as one of 20 young people "shortlisted" in the public awareness category. In order to win a trip to COP22 (this year's UN Climate Talks in Marrakesh, Morocco in November) as a youth member of the press, her video must receive the MOST views out of those 20 shortlisted films before SEPTEMBER 23RD. That gives us LESS THAN ONE WEEK.

So this is where YOU come in. Each view counts as one vote, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch it, and share it with friends, family, anyone and everyone. Especially in the wake of Divest Dartmouth’s historic meeting with the Board of Trustees on Thursday (listen to a full audio recording here:
https://soundcloud.com/user-102162910/trustee-meeting), it’s vital that the Dartmouth community is familiar with the basics of fossil fuel divestment, and Dartmouth’s campaign in particular.




We highly encourage you to:

1.         Share it with everyone. Literally everyone. Blow up facebook and twitter and all of those social media things.

2.         Join Divest! We meet on Wednesday nights at 8 pm in Robo Basement.

3.         Sign our petition (https://campaigns.gofossilfree.org/petitions/dartmouth-college)





1. PLEASE watch this video. It’s literally only 3 minutes of your life. Just do it.

2. SHARE it with everyone. Literally everyone.

3. Laura will in turn love you forever and bring back cool stories and media from MOROCCO if all goes well


Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Get at us or contact Laura directly at [log in to unmask]





Divest Dartmouth