Hi Everyone!

Welcome (back) to the start of a wonderful fall term!  Tonight at Theology on Tap we're going to kick things off with a conversation on doubt and faith!

Coming to campus, especially as a freshman, can be a time filled with doubt.  Did I choose the right classes?  Do I have everything for the term that I need?  Have I overcommitted myself?  We can have spiritual doubts as well- are we devoting enough time to our faith?  Our classes? Our activities?  These doubts and others can fill our mind, causing stress and unease, but they can also be a tool to help us think critically about our concerns.  Tonight at the Canoe Club we will discuss doubt and uncertainty, and how this corresponds to our faith- in our religions, in those around us, and even ourselves.

Discussion questions may include:

- What exactly do we mean by doubt?  Are there different kinds of doubt?  Does it have to be a negative thing or can it be constructive as well?

- Should we try to encourage or discourage doubt?

- Does faith serve as a counter to doubt?  That is, should it be used with or against doubt?

- What do you place faith in?  Are you "more faithful" to certain things over others?

Join us at tonight at 9 pm the Canoe Club on Main Street in Hanover for discussion over a round of FREE drinks and garlic fries!  We can't wait to see you there!

