SummerPhonix + Dog Day

10 PM @ KDE

For weeks, you've answered the call of the outdoors, accepted the permanent invitation to the inviting waters of the Connecticut, heeded the reckless urge to play pong on a Tuesday afternoon and write off the rest of the week, bent to the insatiable desire to frolic on the green and skip your layup and bask in the smiling rays of a setting sophomore summer sun.

And at those decisive moments, when doubt pressed in and you wondered if you could really get away with it, if you could just say screw it to school and work and any sense of personal responsibility, at those moments that soft nagging question teased your ears:

It's Sophomore Summer--Why not?

And now you've found out why not.

You woke up this Week 7 to find that that harsh mistress, Academic rigor, has returned with a vengeance to puncture the halcyon days of our summer and to bring us back to from whence we came, to empty our porches and lawns and fill once again the sterile confines of the library.

Morale is low. But it need not be.

Come out at 10 to KDE, see your friends perform melodious tunes and tasteful jokes, and take back the mantle of this, our Sophomore Summer.  Tell the rigor that presses in that you will not be cowed, that as August marches in our summer is at a glorious plateau and not on the downslope, that you will recklessly go out on a Tuesday night if you so please, and no essay or midterm will keep you down.

Faithfully yours,

The Summerphonix