Have you seen our events this year?

Would you like to get more involved with our programming?

Meet recruiters from the top organizations?

Join our Exec-Board for Summer and 2016-2017 positions!

Apply Using the following Link: Apply Here!<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1M4ByRqKpp9FEvjEfmbBxuLDJ143UT3qfR3B67XKMaGk/viewform>

Deadline is Saturday, May 21, 2016 @ 11;59pm! Results will be announced by Monday May 23, 2016.


DMBA Executive Board ([log in to unmask])


President - Goodwill Batalingaya

Vice President - Invo Chami

Secretary - Crystal Clements

Treasurer- Ashli Cook

Programming - Darnell Merescot

Communications Co - Chair - Jiarui Wang & Mothafer "Zuff" Idries

Freshmen Representatives- James Rhodes, Simrit Singh & Celeste Kearney