Are you coming off the high of acing that last midterm (probably, you're a superstar)? Are you getting pumped for the 75-degree weather coming our way (FINALLY)? Are you insanely excited about the Barn Babies coming on Thursday (YAS me too)?! Then join us and dance the night away!

This week we have:
6:00-7:00 American Tango
7:00-7:45 Beginner's West Coast Swing Lesson
7:45-8:15 Advanced Beginner West Coast Swing Lesson (which builds on the first lesson)
8:00-9:00 Open Dancing!

Why do you need it in your life?
-You can dance to the music you already listen to
-You're looking for a more entertaining way to burn off FoCo cookies
-You secretly miss the Salty Dog (it's okay, so do we)
-You wanna meet new people (alternative social scenes, amiright?)

Still not sure what this whole West Coast thing is about? Curious what this completely improvised dance looks like?

Here's your video of the week!:

West Coast Swing Improvisation // Michael + Naomi // WCS ...<>
Please watch in 1080p for HD quality! Dancers: Michael Kielbasa + Naomi Hulbert Filmed/Edited: Kyle Mikami - Location: Atomic Ballroom Track: Ed ...

See you there!