Hi Friends!

Spring is a busy time for Dartmouth students.  The whole campus is buzzing with big events like Green Key and Dimensions, and seniors are caught up in theses and the transition to life beyond college.  With so much going on, it can be tough to dedicate time to touch in with your faith.  At the beginning of this spring term, I want to take a step back from our schedules and examine how we can make time for faith at Dartmouth.

Discussion questions may include:

-What role does your faith play in your Dartmouth experience?

-Is your approach to your faith different at home versus at Dartmouth?

-Do you have any strategies/thoughts on ways to keep in touch with your faith even during busy periods like exams?

-Are there any aspects of Dartmouth that encourage/discourage taking time for faith?

Stay warm and join us at the Canoe Club tonight at 9 pm for discussion over a round of free drinks and garlic fries!

