What: Ash Wednesday services

This Christian service which marks the beginning of Lent

will include readings, silent reflection, prayers

and the imposition of ashes (for those who wish it).

Where: Rollins Chapel

When: 7:30 am and 12:30 pm on February 10th

The service will be approximately 20-30 minutes

All are welcome to attend.

Sponsored by the Tucker Center.

William Jewett Tucker Center

Dartmouth College

6154 South Fairbanks
Hanover NH 03755
Phone: (603) 646-3780
Website: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~tucker<https://ch1prd0310.outlook.com/owa/redir.aspx?C=xLh-vEekQkuRLfKV9M-ZTmlKAA0H_s8Ilc3PKotWs299mfDobdqFmKSxtyMWT-UekayOsKLXW1I.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.dartmouth.edu%2f%7etucker>