~*~*It's the last day to register for 16W PanhellenicRecruitment*~*~

Click HERE<http://dartmouth.mycampusdirector.com/> and then hit the button that says "Register For Recruitment" to fill in your information. Registration will close at 8am on Monday the 11th, so do it now while you're thinking about it!

If you rushed last term....
You DO have to register on MyCampusDirector again
You DON'T have to do the DBI, GLOS, or Panhell info session again

 If you have a question, feel concerned, or just want to talk about Recruitment with the people who run it, come to our our office hours:

Monday January 11th
Collis 218

We look forward to seeing you!


Your Panhell VPs-Recruitment
Sarah Young and Abbey Hartley