Greetings, friends.

For Theology on Tap tonight, we'll be talking about what it might look like to rethink "church." At the Diocese of New Hampshire's General Convention this past Saturday, Bishop Hirschfeld's address spoke about what it means to be part of the "Jesus Movement" in New Hampshire. How do we do that in church? How might we better do that?

Please join us at 9pm at the Canoe Club to discuss this over free drinks and garlic fries.



Some thoughts:

What if CHURCH was a VERB – not a noun...?

The church is DYNAMIC – not STATIC.

Jesus gave the Great Commission, and told us to “Go into the world” doing the

things that he did: teaching, healing, feeding hungry people, speaking out about

injustice, and calling the world to more faithful living. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to

empower the disciples to begin a movement.

What should the church look like?

What are some things the church is doing WRONG that we need to RETHINK?

What are some things the church is doing RIGHT - what do we need to KEEP and


What is the ESSENCE of CHURCH?

The church has been structured around the following order: belief, behavior and


What if we SWITCHED the order around? Belonging, behavior and then belief. How

does that change things? How would that affect certain things we do in the church

(sacraments, membership, etc.)

How is the CHURCH different than the ROTARY club?

Powered by the Holy Spirit, 'Rethink Church' serves as a catalyst that moves the

denomination (ANY denomination), and those we hope to reach, into dialogue --

and ultimately, into transformative, collaborative action.