
It's that time of the year, elections have rolled round and we're excited to add members to the exec board.

DASA has undergone a lot of structural changes over the last 8 weeks and the current exec board is very fresh; one that formed around a collective need (the need for a strong DASA community and presence on campus) and has been doing its best to fulfil that need since then.

We are now looking to strengthen the exec board, so we can roll into winter term on a strong note and continue to build, grow and succeed.

If you're interested (and we know you are [😉] ) please fill out the following form by Friday, November 6th 2015.

The full exec board will be announced on Monday, November 9th.



DASA Exec Board Elections
Read more...<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1DuKqkhFpDttE__rP0xseZAoJyuygZvEHTflNCtH3Rd4/viewform?usp=send_form>