1 Day Left Before the 15F Blood Drive!

Due to unforeseen logistic issues, there is a slight change to the time and location of the drive.

Now the 15F Red Cross Blood Drive will be held on

Tuesday, Oct. 27th 10am~4pm at Alumni Hall, Top of the HOP


 Wednesday, Oct. 28th 11am~5pm at St. Denis Church<https://www.google.com/maps/place/st.+denis+rectory/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xda964445758af1c8?sa=X&ved=0CCUQrwswAGoVChMI2MGn4sPZyAIVyKw-Ch11Twz5>

(click on the hyperlink for a map)

Sign up for a blood donation appointment here:


Blitz back if you have any question!