Hi 19s (and everyone else)!!!


Stop by Tabard, Kappa Delta, and Alpha Pi Omega’s Pre-Bonfire Kickback Friday 4-6pm at Tabard (3 Webster Ave)!!!


There will be food from a variety of Hanover restaurants.


We’re talking APPETIZERS, ENTREES, DESSERTS including:

Molly’s Bread & Butter, Murphy’s pita chips & red pepper feta dip, Salt Hill Nachos, Chili and Cornbread, Canoe Club fries, Jewel of India, Orient, Ramunto’s lasagna, Lou’s Pies, Cruellers, Cider Donuts, Hot chocolate,  and so much more!!


Come carve and decorate pumpkins, get decked out at our spirit station, and listen to music!


Chat with upperclass students & Dartmouth Staff membersask any questions you may have about Homecoming and get connected to Campus Resources  !!


We will be accepting donations for the NH Children’s Trust.