Who says you can't talk about politics over dessert? 

Certainly not Dartmouth Students & Staff for Bernie!

Join us TONIGHT at 6pm in Silsby 312 to find out more about 

getting involved in a POLITICAL REVOLUTION

Hope to see you there!!

-- Students & Staff for Bernie

Wondering if you're a Bernie supporter? We'll help you out!

You might be a Bernie Supporter if...

Your ideal politician is someone CONSISTENT IN THEIR VIEWS who WORKS FOR YOUR INTERESTS. 

Bernie's views have not changed in three decades.
Bernie is also
the only major candidate who has refused to use a Super PAC, reducing money's corrupting power in politics. At first, raising money with a lack of billionaire bankrollers seemed like an impossibility. But low and behold, Bernie's making it work. On Wednesday, Bernie became the first presidential candidate to receive 1 million individual donations and has an average contribution of less than $25!

If that isn't enough to make you a supporter of Bernie, find out more on where he stands:

Official Site: https://berniesanders.com/issues/

A beautiful volunteer-made site: http://feelthebern.org

and, most importantly, what he has done:

Saving American Democracy Amendment: http://ow.ly/Qa5lB

College for All Act http://ow.ly/Q9SNY

Pay Workers a Living Wage Act http://ow.ly/Qa62x

Employ Young Americans Now Act http://ow.ly/Q9TbU

End Polluter Welfare Act: http://ow.ly/Qa6nB

Low Income Solar Act: http://ow.ly/Q9SW3

End For-Profit Prisons: http://ow.ly/Qa84W

Social Security Expansion Act: http://ow.ly/Qa8uO

Avoid Perpetual Warfare: http://ow.ly/Qa9Vh

Amend Immigration Reform: http://ow.ly/Qa8V4

Corporate Tax Fairness Act: http://ow.ly/Qa90z

Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Exist Act: http://ow.ly/QaalN

Opposes the TPP: http://ow.ly/Qa5Rr