Our friends at ChallengePost just launched the Summer Jam Hackathon Series -- 8 online hackathons between now and August -- and we want you to represent {{hackathon_name}}! The top 3 schools with the most participating hackers will win sponsorships for their next hackathons.

The first two hackathons are open now through June 22: 

Reinvent the Selfie (powered by Twilio)
Valencia is so played out. Build the next generation of selfie technology.

Open Data Mashup (powered by Socrata)
Create a visualization, story, or experience using insights from 2+ open datasets.

And here's what's coming up next: 

There are also sponsor & participation prizes, 2 meetups @ WeWork Labs in NYC & SF, plus special student prizes from Major League Hacking, (including a free trip to Hack the Planet)! 

Get the full story @ summerjam.challengepost.com and happy hacking.