Dartmouth prides itself on its "excellence in undergraduate education".

However, the lack of courses in and resources for Asian-American Studies at the college undermines this supposed excellence.

Currently, there is no official program for Asian/American ethnic and cultural studies.

A few years ago, in response to student demand, three positions in faculty were reserved for Asian-American professors teaching Asian-American studies, and funds were set aside for this program.

Two of these positions have been given to professors who do not directly teach or research on Asian-American issues.

The last remaining Asian Americanist continues to teach classes on Asian-American Literature, which are now oversubscribed.

At least thirty faculty of color have left campus since the year 2002; of these at least five were professors who included Asian-American content in their courses.

Asian/American Students For Action are interested in learning
Dartmouth doesn't teach you.

Come to the PAC room and participate in a photo project advocating for Asian-American Studies at Dartmouth, in solidarity with a similar project at Yale.

Be on the lookout for open photo hours advertised everyday in the subject line when a photographer shall be in the PAC room. Alternatively, contact Moulshri Mohan '15 to set up an appointment to get your picture taken.