​Telling My Story
Final Performance at Valley Vista Rehabilitation Center, Bradford, VT
7pm on Thursday, May 21st and Friday, May 22nd


Dear Friends,


We would like to extend an invitation for you to join the students of Dartmouth College’s WGST 66.5/MALS 364/ENGL 53.4 "Telling Stories for Social Change” along with the residents of Valley Vista Rehabilitation Center, for a collaborative and original end of term performance.


This community-based learning course, co-taught by Pati Hernandez and Ivy Schweitzer, offers students the unique opportunity to study issues surrounding incarceration and addiction through two distinct perspectives, theoretical and practical. Students have focused on the issues addicts face both inside and outside the rehabilitation center, while exploring facilitation with critical analysis and self-reflection on the effectiveness of community-based learning and performance in rehabilitation. We would like you to join us in the culmination of this course – the creation and performance of an original production that focus on the voices of the Valley Vista residents.


The performance is scheduled for THURSDAY, MAY 21ST and FRIDAY, MAY 22ND at 7pm, located at the Valley Vista Rehabilitation Center in Bradford, VT. There will be rides available from Hanover.
If you are interested see below for further details.


Saludos and much peace,
Pati Hernandez


“Nobody knows nothing. Nobody knows everything”
–Paulo Freire


 “Democracy has to be born anew every generation, and education is its midwife.”
–John Dewey


Further Details:  
If you would like to attend, please RSVP by Tuesday, May 19th at this link:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1NzJKtxzB2-CslcccrvguI11fOPy2FAy-yX-xhUi3e_Y/viewform?usp=send_form. You will receive a confirmation e-mail within several days. Please note that your name must be on the list as having confirmed your attendance in order for you to be admitted.  Due to the limited number of seats, please only sign up if you are positive you can attend. First come, first served. We will have arrangements to facilitate transportation to those who will need it. 


If you are able to join us:
- Please arrive at the facility at 6:30 pm so you have time to check in and find a seat (it is half an hour from Dartmouth, so we can meet as a group on campus beforehand – details to come).
- Bring only a photo ID and car keys, leave everything else in your car i.e. cell phone, purse, etc.


Directions: Take I 91N to the Bradford exit (exit 16).  At the end of the ramp turn right (if you came from the North, turn left).  Go to the light and turn left.  Pass through the town of Bradford and at the top of the hill on your left is Valley Vista. 


Address: Valley Vista Rehab Center, 23 Upper Plain, Bradford, VT 05033


Phone: (802) 222-5201