We need submissions and readers for the April 16th performance "Still I Rise". The first section of the email will deal with the submission process. The second part of the email will talk about auditions. 

Do you have a story that needs to be told?
We’re listening.
Still I Rise is a production by Wise @ D, a student affiliate of WISE of the Upper Valley, that gives our community members (students, faculty, staff and alumni) the chance to tell their stories.
Our community and the world need to know the truth about dating violence, domestic and sexual violence and stalking. The truth about your experience. Maybe you’ve been told that it’s not important. Or that it’s not OK to tell. Or that it’s your own fault. Abusers say these things and our society reinforces the messages. Those of us most impacted are often left feeling alone, with shame and embarrassment. This is a chance to change that, a chance to tell your truth and let it be heard.
You may also have loved ones who have been dealt with dating violence, domestic and sexual violence and stalking.  Maybe you’ve never talked about how that’s affected you until now. Whatever your story is, this is the place to share it.  Submissions can be a poem, essay, song, artwork, photos or dance and can be done individually or in a performance group.
You decide how you want your piece used. You may want to compose your story and don’t want it shared. You may want to share your story but remain anonymous. It is up to you. Submissions can be either to [log in to unmask] OR they can be posted anonymously to Hinmin Box 2610. 

The DEADLINE for submissions is April 5th.
The show will take place in the Moore Theater on Thursday, April 16th at 7:00 PM.​

If you are submitting as a loved one of a survivor (sometimes called Secondary Victims or Secondary Survivors):  This includes, but is not limited to a friend, significant other, parent, child, or sibling to a survivor. Please  read and check the attachment titled Secondary Survivor Guidelines. If you are submitting as a loved one and you do not also attach the completed checklist we will not be able to consider your submission.​


Are you interested in performing a piece for WISE@Dartmouth's Still I Rise?

We have received numerous powerful pieces for WISE@Dartmouth’s performance Still I Rise. However, many of them are anonymous. We need your help to ensure these survivors’ truths are heard. We would like to invite those interested in reading pieces to audition. We will be holding auditions for readers on April 6th   ​in Collis 209 from 5-7 pm, and need both self identified male and female readers. Rehearsals are Saturday, April 11th and Wednesday, April 15th . And the event itself is from 7 pm to 9 pm on April 16. The piece you read will not have to be memorized. We only ask that you are familiar enough with the piece that you can read it and perform it in a way that honors the intent of the author.

            Please email [log in to unmask] if you are interested or if you have any questions.