Do any of the following apply to you?

-First Year Trip Leader

-First Year Trip Crooling

-Completed First Year Trip training (even if didn't end up leading one)

-DOC Sub-Club(s) Leader

If yes (and you're here for 15X), then you're qualified to


and Rediscover Dartmouth!

Sophomore Trips is a program that originated in 1999 and is based off of DOC First-Year Trips. The purpose behind Sophomore Trips (Strips!) is to bring sophomores from all over campus together on a three-day outing trip at the beginning of sophomore summer. It is the biggest class gathering between orientation and graduation. It's an awesome way to meet new people from your class, relive that First-Year Trips bonding, and "Rediscover Dartmouth." What better way to kick off your Sophomore Summer?

Strips 15X will be taking place from Sunday, June 21 - Tuesday, June 23 (classes begin on Thursday, June 25). Leader training will start on the evening of June 20. We are looking for a group of dedicated leaders to spearhead the adventuring!

Interested? Fill out this brief application:

Applications are due Friday, April 3.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

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