Our SEC Dinner Discussion Series Returns with......
InterClass Relationships - Is it Complicated?
FREE FOOD!!! Featuring Moe's!?
Relationships can be between friends, lovers, and members of a community. Commonalities can bring people together, but differences make relationships interesting and challenging. How can differences in socioeconomic background come into play in relationships?

*         When Richer Weds Poorer, Money Isn't the Only Difference<http://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/19/national/class/MARRIAGE-FINAL.html?hp>

*         When Love Crosses Class Lines<http://www.classism.org/love-crosses-class-lines>

*         Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?<http://www.classism.org/guess-whos-coming-dinner>

*         A cross-class dating anecdote<http://www.classism.org/crossclass-dating-anecdote>

*         Socializing with Ivy League elitists<http://www.classism.org/socializing-ivy-league-elitists>

*         Not just our class, dear<http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/just-not-our-class-dear-1146225.html>?

(We appreciate more informational links to broaden the discussion!)
The SEC Dinner Discussion Series? aims to be a safe space where we conduct group discussions about interesting questions, topics, and themes that are linked to class. The discussion will be moderated by 2 students, and everyone gets a chance to speak. All expressed points of view are valid and we expect that everyone be respectful of others!
Dartmouth Quest Scholars (DQS) is a student support and issue group focused on socioeconomic identity, class, and classism. We are the Dartmouth Chapter of the Quest Scholars Network, which was founded to help close the socioeconomic gap in higher education. DQS meets weekly to bring together students interested in class issues wish to find a supportive community. This group is open to all students. If you are interested in joining our blitz list, let us know at [log in to unmask]
