Our SEC Dinner Discussion Series Returns with......
Not Like Home: Transitioning Into A Socioeconomically Diverse Community
FREE FOOD!!! Featuring Jewel of India​
Socioeconomic Diversity is becoming a new ideal standard that high tier colleges are only beginning to reach toward, as evidenced by partnerships between top tier colleges and programs like Questbridge and Posse. But like with any initiative to diversify college communities we must also ask if simply allowing greater access to lower and middle class students access is enough? What happens after these students have passed the gates? What is it like to transition from a lower-middle income community into a more diverse one? What are some of our challenges and benefits? 
Making Top Colleges Less Aristocratic and More Meritocratic​
5 Classist Statements Overheard While Studying Abroad
Dartmouth Works To Boost Student Socioeconomic Diversity
First Generation College-Goers: Unprepared and Behind
(We appreciate more informational links to broaden the discussion!)

The SEC Dinner Discussion Series​ aims to be a safe space where we conduct group discussions about interesting questions, topics, and themes that are linked to class. The discussion will be moderated by 2 students, and everyone gets a chance to speak. All expressed points of view are valid and we expect that everyone be respectful of others!
Dartmouth Quest Scholars (DQS) is a student support and issue group focused on socioeconomic identity, class, and classism. We are the Dartmouth Chapter of the Quest Scholars Network, which was founded to help close the socioeconomic gap in higher education. DQS meets weekly to bring together students interested in class issues wish to find a supportive community. This group is open to all students. If you are interested in joining our blitz list, let us know at Dartmouth.Quest.Scholars@Dartmouth.edu.​​​​​