Down the Hatch: Competing Priorities in the ICU
Bioethics Mystery Case & Mock Ethics Committee Meeting

The Geisel School of Medicine, TDI & Undergraduate Ethics Interest Groups invite you to a free lunch to discuss a mystery bioethics case (with actors!) and mock hospital ethics committee meeting led by Dr. Tim Lahey.

When: Friday, January 30, 2015
Time: 12:15-1:15 p.m.
Location: ***NEW*** Life Sciences Center Room 200 ***NEW***
Lunch will be served!

What to do?
1. RSVP here (only 50 spots available) -
2. Read (OK just skimming is fine too) the attached files

  *   ??Case overview - more details will unfold during the meeting
  *   Journal Article: Would Physicians Override a Do-Not-Resuscitate Order when a Cardiac Arrest is Iatrogenic?
  *   The Hospital Ethics Committee
3. As usual no experience with ethics/bioethics is needed.

Come hungry & curious!!!
Dartmouth Ethics Interests Groups?