Want something cool to do do this spring break?
Interested in engaging in policy on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?  Come to the J Street  U National Conference in Washington, D.C. THIS SPRING BREAK

Last year's conference speakers included Israeli politicians, Palestinian politicians, world-class experts on the conflict, journalists from The New York Times and other publications, Senators and Members of Congress, Vice President Joe Biden and more.

Trip and conference fees will be (almost) fully covered.
Dates: March 21-24
Location: Washington, D.C.
Blitz back if you would like to know more!??

J Street U is a pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-Palestinian group that promotes American diplomatic leadership in achieving a two-state solution as an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  We believe that Israeli security and democracy, as well as Palestinian human rights and statehood, can only be achieved through a two-state solution based on 1967 borders with mutually agreed-upon land swaps. J Street U is the student arm of J Street.

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