What is your New Years Resolution?

Want to get more fit? Eat more veggies?

“‘Meatless Mondays’ are a wonderful way to incorporate some healthier habits and save money!” says nutrition therapist Andrea Spivack MA, RD, of Penn Behavioral Health at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. “This means opting for beans, peas, lentils, nuts, and seeds, instead of beef, chicken, and pork.”

Want to do more the help the environment? Conserve resources?

According to the Sierra Club, if Americans reduced our meat consumption by just 20 percent, it'd have the same environmental benefit as everyone switching from a standard sedan to a hybrid vehicle. 

Want to make the world a better place?​

If each American abstained from meat just on Mondays, roughly 1.4 billion animals could be spared factory farming each year. That's a lot less suffering.

Make the world a little better this term. We can help! Sign the pledge to reduce your meat/animal product consumption below and you could get reminders, recipes, DDS tips, stickers, prizes and MORE!


Dartmouth Meatless Mondays | join the Dartmouth Animal Welfare Group and go meatless!
join the Dartmouth Animal Welfare Group and go meatless!

<3 DAWG, meetings wednesdays at 7pm in Collis 219, all welcome!

like us on facebook!
