Hey All,

The Winter Sports Club is running an EPIC Backcountry Skiing trip, and we want all of you to come! Its an amazing opportunity. Check it out! Here is the application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1lz5iWimleJPXt74w7zPmX7VH0y8RfGIYxuXptUELlxY/viewform?usp=send_form

This Spring Break, come do the kind of skiing you've always dreamt of! We're talking an epic week of adventure the backcountry of Colorado's Monarch Pass. Travel silently through beautiful landscapes like this: 


Although it'll be your odyssey, your adventure, you will not be alone. Experienced WSC leaders will help you through any difficulty and watch out for you. That way, you won't run into one of these: 

Mystic Mountain-2.jpg

Or worse:


Apply Now! Spend Spring break how it's meant to be spent. Because, after all, wouldn't you rather be avoiding this guy:


Than this guy.....?


Here's the Application again:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1lz5iWimleJPXt74w7zPmX7VH0y8RfGIYxuXptUELlxY/viewform?usp=send_form

Think Snow,

The Winter Sports Club