Collection boxes located

Ground floor of Collis near Collis Market || Robinson Hall || Novack || Hitchcock || Mid Mass || Fahey ||

McLaughlin (outside Occom Commons) || East Wheelock (Brace Commons) || Choates (Brittle Lounge)

Clothing also accepted 24/7 at Safety and Security offices at 5 Rope Ferry Road

(No underwear or baby clothing, please!)

The Greek house, society, or student organization with the greatest number of clothing items donated will be awarded a Plaque of Honor! To be considered in this contest, please collect all of your organization's donations in a garbage bag. Write the organization's name on a piece of paper place inside the garbage bag. Drop off the bag at any of the above locations.

Clothing donations will be accepted until November 13th, 2014.

Thank you for your support! 

Chimera Senior Society, Dartmouth Fashion Council, and OPAL