Persuasive Speaking with MiddCORE
Want to develop your leadership skills?
Learn how to always get what you want with the Persuasive Speaking workshop:

No new idea ever travels any further than the innovator's ability to tell its story. We spend all our waking hours contemplating and constructing the message and almost no time training the instrument of the messenger. This workshop uses techniques and insights from the worlds of theater, movement and neuroscience to tame and train the voice and body we use every day.
It is fun, active and transformative. 

Led by Mike Kiernan of MiddCORE​
When: October 31st 7-9 pm
Food will be provided

Sign up now! Spots limited​ 

Mike Kiernan has been an instructor at MiddCORE, Middlebury College's intensive experiential program in Innovation, Leadership and Design, since 2008.  
He has worked with politicians, executives, physicians, educators and college and graduate students. Mike is himself a physician and professional actor 
who has used insights from neuroscience and theater to develop programs for training and coaching in areas of leadership, crisis management, visual rhetoric, 
collaboration and persuasive speaking.​