It's a bird! It's a plane! It's an... enviro-pig?

No idea what that is? Want to find out?

Come to the Dartmouth Bioethics Group's first meeting of the term this Thursday, October 2nd, from 5-6 PM in Collis 212! We'll be answering any questions you might have about the Bioethics Group and exploring case studies about enviro-pigs and the medical ethics of divulging doctors' errors to patients.

The Backstreet Boys take:

Who we are: We're a new discussion-based group interested in exploring grey areas and ethical dilemmas.

Where we're from: All over. Actually.

What we do: ​In the past, we've had speakers come to campus and talk about various ethical issues that they're interested in, and various case study discussions.​

As long as you love (or, you know, think these are cool)...

genetic testing * brain death * voluntourism * end of life care * any ethical dilemmas EVER

We want YOU!!!

(Hi, 18s!)

See you Thursday!