"[Dartmouth Juggling Club changed] my [life]" - Theodor Geisel
"I would return from Cuba for Dartmouth Juggling Club" - Tupac Shakur
"How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real" - Jaden Smith

As the greats who've gone before us have made clear, Dartmouth Juggling Club is the most prestigious undergraduate nonprofit non-Marxist nonviolent currently-active non-inactive juggling organization in the greater Hanover area.

Have you ever wanted to do this?

But feel like this?

Come to Dartmouth Juggling Club's informational meeting on
Sunday at 1:00PM in Collis 101!
There will be free pizza and fun!

Jugglers and non-jugglers welcome!

Come for the pizza, stay for the doors that lock from the outside.