We are the only group on campus dedicated to advancing the rights of undocumented students!

An advocacy channel. A voice. A support network.

Dartmouth CoFIRED was founded in January 2014, after a lack of public support for the college's undocumented students.

We have only started the conversation at Dartmouth in regards to the timely issue of immigration reform.

From our Drop the I-Word Campaign to changing school policies for Dartmouth DREAMers,  it is our mission to raise awareness about the undocumented immigrant narrative.

Join the Dartmouth CoFIRED Executive Committee! Applications and descriptions of positions can be found at: http://goo.gl/F8vuXA.<http://goo.gl/F8vuXA> Applications are due next week, Wednesday, Sept 24th, by 12 p.m.

Blitz [log in to unmask] if you would like to be added to our mailing list! We are sponsoring a DACA Day too!

Like us on Facebook to stay connected<https://www.facebook.com/DartmouthCoFIRED>