The Dartmouth Club Baseball team has 3 games THIS WEEKEND against Franklin Pierce University (Saturday), University of Maine and University of Connecticut (both Sunday). If you want to play in one or all of these games, reply to this blitz or just show up to practice Tuesday (tomorrow) at 8PM in Leverone Field House. (This is where you slept the first night during trips. Directions below.) Bring a glove if you have one.

For more information on the Club Baseball team go to:

Hope to see you there.

Directions to Leverone:

  1.  From the Green walk east on Wheelock street towards East Wheelock cluster or the gym.
  2.  When you get to the stoplight, turn right.
  3.  Walk along this street past the baseball field on your right until you reach the Field House on your right.
  4.  If the door is not open bang on the window until someone opens it for you.