RaazFeed Top 3 Reasons You Should Join Raaz:

1. Have a multicultural experience.

Raaz is a South Asian fusion dance team. Along with contemporary, modern, and hip hop choreography, we also perform Bollywood, Bhangra, and classical forms of dance. A great way to rehearse or try new things! Because let's face it. Lately, your South Asian cultural experience has been far too limited to spicy food and/or Slumdog Millionaire.

2. Friends. Ohana means family, and a Raaz family means no one gets left behind.

Join a group that will love you for you! With school stress piling and piling on, you need a space to relax and a team who will always cheer you on.

3. You get to just dance like the fabulous self you are and have a great time doing it.

1) Come show us a choreographed 30 second (maximum) piece. Show off ANY dance style to ANY music -- solo or in groups (people in groups will be considered individually). Please bring your own music or have a link ready.
2) Dance with us. We'll teach you a few of our own moves as a group and have you perform them for us.

See you Sunday!
