Did you play baseball in high school?

Do you miss hitting homeruns with Pablo Sanchez in Backyard Baseball?

Have you never played baseball, but you want to try?

If you answered yes to any one of these questions, then you should join the Dartmouth Club Baseball team!

Our first game is on 9/20 but we'll be having practices before that. The next one will be Thursday, September 11 @ 7:30 pm. Practices will be held in Leverone Field House (behind Alumni Gym), and will be open to everyone (especially 18s!). The full game schedule is available on our website: https://sites.google.com/site/dartmouthclubbaseball/home .  

If you are interested in joining the team / getting on the blitz list, email Dartmouth.Club.Baseball@dartmouth.edu or one of the captains: Shane.C.G.Weisberg.16@dartmouth.edu or [log in to unmask]edu