*The Organic Farm Presents...*
*End-of-Summer Farm Event!*
*Saturday, August 16 (TOMORROW!)*
Fish. Veggies. Potluck. Music. Farmwork. Fun. Friends.

*3-5pm*: *FARM WORKDAY*
*Join our work crew out at the farm for farm work and preparations for our
end of the summer Farm Event! Stay afterwards for a delicious grilled
Tilapia dinner (with fish grown at the farm), potluck, and music from
5-7pm. *
*Rides leaving from behind Robo at 3pm, back around 5pm for those not
planning to stay for dinner.*

*Join our farm for our end-of-summer event!!! Potluck dinner featuring a
farm contribution of grilled Tilapia from our Solar Greenhouse tanks, along
with veggies from the field--a true farm-to-table dinner! Bring something
to share: chips and salsa, homemade or Foco cookies, a salad, Lou's pie,
KAF cake, or anything else! Come listen to music, eat good food, relax with
friends, and take a tour of the farm. *
*Rides leaving from behind Robo at 5pm, 6pm, and 7pm or bike/run/carpool
out to 100 Lyme Road!*

*we'll see you there.*
*your farm*