We hope you had a fantastic Fieldstock!
We've got an AWESOME event planned for you on Wednesday:

Coffee with Provost Carolyn Dever
Hosted by the Green Key Society
Paganucci Lounge
with Lou's Pies

Come meet the new Provost!
Hear what her vision is for Dartmouth!
And, of course, come get some pre- and/or post- Foco Lou's Pie!

Green Key Society - Summer Term Activities
Sat. 8/9 - Fieldstock BBQ, Collis Patio, co-hosted with the 2016 Class Council
Wed. 8/13 - Coffee with Provost Dever, Paganucci Lounge, 12:30pm-1:30pm
Finals Week - "Green Time" with Dartmouth's cuddly puppies